Monday, April 12, 2010

monkey business

was sitting, reflecting on my own thoughts;
that a sudden CLANK gave my little soul a shock .
first thing that popped in my head was an arrival of a monkey .

i ran downstairs to check it out from the kitchen window; nothing .
to the front door; yeap, the monkey's there .
as soon as i thought of my camera the monkey jumped up to the roof .
aawww shucks . missed it big time .

i went back upstairs . then had a sudden thought of checking out
the balcony from the master bedroom's window .
oh yeah, he was there . he was sitting right there !
but shit .. i didnt bring my boy up . ==
without even noticing me, he jumped off already .

so i could only capture the aftermath of the incident .
what havoc and ruins he did to my house ==;
which im supposed to pick up after .

of all the places, why do they hv to always choose to mess up the prayer table ==;

my hand after picking up the joss sticks he threw all over the place;

at the balcony; my dad's flowerpot . ^^"

bad monkey ? no .. they aren't .
they're just like any other animal searching for survival .
there's no way i can blame them
for imposing at my house .
they don't know they're messing up my house (or do they know? ¬__¬)
but the thing is; they're trying to survive .

mankind destroyed their homes .
they're around in our neighbourhoods now
is because they lost their habitat .
because of mankind .

so how can i blame them for trying to find a way to survive ?


  1. Ok, gonna be slightly random, off-track here...

    The same with rats. I know, they are not the loveliest of animals. I'd say out of 10, 11 loathe them but well, it's got this thing called life, you know, so if you're still interested, do please read on.

    We keep junks and make a home for rats. We then blame them for invading our homes. We catch them and the torture options are as follows:

    1. drown in a bucket of water
    2. dried to death in the sun
    3. let the neighbour's cat play with it till it dies
    4. and the list goes on, I should think

    Now wouldn't it be better if we were to just let that rat go (everyone deserves a chance, right?) and clean up our newspaper-filled store rooms? If thereafter it (or its friends, I must presume) returns, then the fault lies in it/them, not us humans. So before we deliver that death sentence, let us give this little rodent a second chance.

  2. agreed !
    i might be sounding weird to even say this;
    but sometimes i find the fat ones around the drains cute :D

  3. Oh yea...and their beady eyes too! Cuteness unlimited:)
